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What is a Hematology Analyzer Used for?

White blood cell count, red blood cell count, haemoglobin count, platelet count, lymphocyte percentage, monocyte percentage, granulocyte percentage, and other parameters can be determined with a hematology analyzer which is widely used. As a result, the hematology analyzer can currently be found in a variety of clinical settings. Because of the other factors that can be determined and analyzed in conjunction with blood cells, the hematology analyzer is also known as a haematology analyzer.

Instrumental analysis has numerous advantages, such as quick analysis, many parameters, cheap labor effort, consistent results, and so on, but it also has certain disadvantages. Instrumental analysis minimizes the perceived subjective factor and eliminates the impacts of perception to some extent, but it also rejects man's subjective initiative and so necessitates a review, particularly for cell morphology and classification, if there are questionable results during the test.

In practice, the hematology analyzer discovered that the size of mature red blood cell volume, and its morphological observation is the same as hematology analyzer determination. For abnormal changes in red blood cell morphology, the hematology analyzer can only suggest shadow red blood cells, but not other heterogeneous red blood cell morphology. As a result, the hematology analyzer has trouble recognizing the cell morphology of a lymphocyte. All classifications show an increased monocyte ratio and hematology analyzer is unable to distinguish between naive cells, heterogeneous lymphocytes, nucleated red blood cells, and toxic granules. Instrumental analysis is difficult to deliver a completely correct analysis since it only depends on the identification of a few physical features of the cells. As a result, manual cytomorphological examination of abnormal blood images should be performed and incorporated into the laboratory department's daily quality control to continuously improve the testing staff's comprehensive quality, reduce missed diagnoses and misdiagnoses, and provide a scientific basis for clinical diagnosis, treatment, and further examination.

The blood smear is the first window into blood analysis and disease diagnosis, and the information provided is unmet by the hematological analyzer in many ways. It not only is cheap and clear, but also offers the basic data provided by the hematology analyzer. It can now provide more complete and thorough information on a wide variety of features of blood, thanks to further study into blood smears. Blood smears are useful for the direct examination of human parasites, the study and testing of blood-borne infectious diseases, the detection of anemia, the diagnosis of abnormalities in leucocytes and platelets, and the microscopic examination of blood smears, especially when the data provided by the hematology analyzer is abnormal.

In conclusion, both traditional blood smear microscopy and modern hematology analyzers are useful for blood analysis and illness diagnosis. As a result, each laboratory should create its own rechecking circumstances, train its testing staff to these uniform standards, and conduct quality control. Only by constantly expanding knowledge and practical abilities via experimentation and practice can the hematological analyzer and the blood smear be made more scientifically useful.

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